About your host

My name is Chelsea and I live in a small cabin in the woods in Ontario, Canada. Over the years, we have been turning the clock back to a simpler time, striving to learn the skills many have forgotten. Our children are raised hunting, fishing, trapping and so much more, so that they too can pass on this knowledge.

My entire life, I was restless, always searching for something but I didn’t know quite what that was. Eventually, I found what I was searching for; the wilderness. It took me a lot of time to overcome my fears and set off alone into the bush, but overtime I have developed skills and a profound feeling of peace when I am alone in the wild. I often get asked how I am not afraid or why I hike and hunt alone far from roads and cell service . The answer is simple. Because if I didn’t, I would miss out. I would miss out on so many adventures, so many new beautiful places I have discovered, treasures I have found and memories made. I am not afraid because I have built my skills overtime to a point that I feel comfortable in the scenarios given to me. Life is short . And if I didn’t go alone, then I would almost never go. Since having children, it isn’t always feasible for my husband and I to go together so, we divide and conquer. Not to mention, finding friends that enjoy the same things as I do has been a life long struggle. Recently though, I have realized that those friends are out there and it changed my world.

In the summer of 2023, I was fortunate enough to win an all inclusive trip to Alaska with Tana Grenda from Bristol Bay Retreats. In the 33 years of my life, I have never experienced anything like it. I knew that I would fall in love with Alaska but what I couldn’t have prepared for, was how life changing it would be to find women that not only inspire me but that I instantly loved. Throughout my childhood, I always felt odd or different. I struggled to fit in with the girls so I learned to walk life alone with one true friend. I was content with that. But after this experience, I couldn’t help but wonder how many others feel the same way? How many others want to get outdoors but don’t have the guidance or a mentor to show them how? How many are letting fear hold them back? How many women are desperate to go on adventures but don’t have friends to go alongside them? I sat by the fire one night when I returned home, feeling so inspired to live with more purpose. Maybe I could help women, in the same way that Tana and her team helped me? What if I could pay it forward and help even more women ? And so, after some excitement and encouraging words from Tana, Whiskey Creek Retreats was born.

My vision is to bring a group of women from all walks of life, to my home near Mattawa, Ontario. We will be diving into a variety of skills that will build their skills, knowledge, understanding and most importantly their confidence, so that they are prepared for every adventure going forward. From rifles, archery, wilderness first aid, survival skills and so much more, I want women to walk away feeling inspired and motivated to take on any adventure that presents itself going forward. I want to provide a space where they are comfortable to ask questions and learn so that in the future, fear wont hold them back! Maybe they too have never found their tribe. I want to show them how incredible it is when they finally do and I want to show them that they are far more capable than they thought possible! Forget the spa day women’s retreats, lets get outdoors, dirty with sticks in our hair, shoot guns, catch some fish and have the time of our lives!!